Pilgrim’s Progress

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. This year, this little ceramic turkey is as close as I am getting to lifting one of those iconic birds. For forty-five of the past fifty years, I have prepared this holiday meal….sometimes it was really good, and a few memorable times, the meal was really bad…but good or bad, it was always homemade.

This year, my physical therapist, Nicholas, decreed that it is impossible for me to lift any more than five pounds with my left shoulder. But not to worry, all the cooking is being done by the clever folks at Whole Foods Market.

So, as can be seen, the only real physical lifting falls to my Traveling Companion, who seems only too delighted to do so.

Voila….the feast!!!! Ready for heating up.

Although I have not been busy cooking, I have been busy making some very nice recovery progress. Here’s a little sample of what I can now do thanks to my therapist, Nick. I can touch my nose,

put on my earrings and glasses and even touch

the top of my head, making it possible to shampoo my hair with two hands…add driving to this list, and I’d say that I have much to be thankful for. And because no man or woman is an island, I am thankful for my loving Traveling Companion and darling daughters who continue to cheer me on….and every time I sit down to blog, I am thankful for all of YOU who are willing in these amazingly outrageous times to give me a precious moment or two. From my junket to wherever you are junketing…Happy Thanksgiving.

Love, The Unseasoned Traveler…plus two!

19 thoughts on “Pilgrim’s Progress

  1. brenbutler@verizon.net November 26, 2020 — 2:32 pm

    So glad to read of you and your shoulder’s progress!Wishing you and your family a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks-living DayBrenda

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Greeetings, Brenda…..how’s the new house? Are you using that new oven today? Best wishes to you and your family today and always….jackie


  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bruce and Sarah today! Glad your shoulder is on the mend.


  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you, your traveling companion and family. I wonder if you hurt your shoulder doing heavy lifting and hope thing get well soon.


  4. Have Thanksgiving, dear Jackie! Sending You a hug and healing prayers!


  5. Jackie,

    This is a lovely testament to gratitude. I am so glad you have such a skilled and intuitive therapist that you can now touch your nose, put on earrings, and wash your hair with two hands. All very important things for a lady to be able to do for herself!

    And your Traveling Companion seems like a keeper. He’s always happy to carry your bags. šŸ˜‰

    Blessings to you all, Megan

    On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 9:27 AM Jackie’s Junkets wrote:

    > jackiehenry posted: ” Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. This year, this > little ceramic turkey is as close as I am getting to lifting one of those > iconic birds. For forty-five of the past fifty years, I have prepared this > holiday meal….sometimes it was really good, and a few” >

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You say the most thoughtful things…thank you…j.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Jackie, Glad to hear about all the progress with the shoulder. Seeing your smile is a JOY. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Bruce and family.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Janet…it is a blessing to hear from you today….my best to you and Jay for an altogether memorable holiday…j.


  7. Hey Pilgrim,
    Excellent progress. You must be working hard in PT.
    Nice day for a Thanksgiving walk. Have a happy one.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Jen….I let them kill me at PT…due to the
      mask, only part of my face can be seen….pt is not easy, but I am in it for as much improvement as I can get….lol…one of my arms is now longer than the other…stay safe and healthy…j

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Glad for your Traveling Companion and for your progress! Just the three of us, but I did cook the 2nd whole turkey of my life, doctored up some Stove Top stuffing, and made a very unhealthy, but delicious corn casserole. Everything else (besides the made from scratch pies my dad surprised us with) is from a jar or can. Grateful for friends like you and glad to stay safe with the hopes of more freedom in time. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanksgiving meal sounds fabulous…next year will be even better because we will be adding hugs and kisses…I am grateful for you…stay safe and healthy…j


  9. Happy Thanksgiving Girlfriend! I’m impressed by your hand on your head..Blessings to All!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know….it still isn’t easy….but I remain hopeful


  10. So glad to hear about your progress. You are looking good. We had a lovely dinner prepared by Dani and Ahmed. So Madi and I started in on the tree and trimmings after watch the Macy’s Day Parade.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Betsy….having grown up daughters that cook…..well, it doesn’t get too much better than that….I am always happy to hear from you…j.


  11. We hope your thanksgiving dinner was delicious. If so, let us know. I am at the point where, if Whole Foods can put together a delicious dinner for purchase, I may be tempted.

    Keep up your exercises and continue making that progress, lady. We need you back in our lives.

    Here’s to a 2021 with better health worldwide.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi to you both….Thanksgiving has quickly turned into Christmas….and I plan on depending on the Whole Foods for a few things for Christmas and New Year’s….the turkey was quite nice…better than I expected…thanks for reaching out. Life is becoming a science fiction movie….stuck in a time warp…but the object is to stay alive at all costs…take care and stay healthy….j


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